Thursday, September 30, 2010


Category: Life - Zoe

12th February 2010, by Faustin .M. Ndikumana

Mark 16:14-18 " my name they will drive out demons , they will pick up snakes with their hands , when they drink deadly poison it will not hurt them at all, they will place their hands on the sick people and they will rerecover".

Jesus Christ's ministry on earth was specific. He was more than a prophet, more than a merely man, more than a Conqueror! He was GOD. He laid the foundation of what we are called for. ALL HEALERS SANCTIFIED MINISTRIES is build on Jesus Christ's great commission unto all his followers.

At All Healers Sanctified Ministries we strive to teach God's word with simplicity and understanding. We believe that, by following the rules for holy living, we are getting closer to God. In Colossians 3, Paul reminds the church at COLOSSE to set their minds on things above and not on things below! Paul urges the church to put to death all that belong to earthly nature (sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed........).The word of God is full of accounts about a God who punished and still punishing evildoers (specifically those who refuse to repent and turn to HIM). And above all , the God we serve is a God who is ready to forgive us if we truly repent our sins.

At All Healers Sanctified Ministries we are always aware that Satan is the enemy that comes to kill and destroy our lives!Therefore, we are aware that "only the word of God can and will set us free in every circumstance situation. we are also aware that none is perfect beside God who is always perfect. Therefore, our Salvation involves Justification and Sanctification. God is always with us and as He is the one who started all the work in us, he will bring into completion. We serve a big God who can heal the sick no matter what mistakes, failures one have encountered.

At All Healers Sanctified Ministries, we have confidence and enthusiasm in that power that conquered the grave and is the same power that is mighty to heal and to save the lost ones! ! At All Healers Sanctified Ministries, we encourage men and women of God to live by the word of God over their lives; and as they do so, their healing will break through.By serving through this great ministries, we are winners who are not afraid to challenge Satan the evil one how bad he is losing as Christ is coming back to put him into a total destruction.

It is therefore our great responsibility to know the truth because the truth will set us free and it will heal all our diseases! The saving Grace is so huge to give us more,
much, abundant, exceeding and above of what we would ever imagined!

The scriptures give us several accounts about a number of great men of God who changed the discourse of their lives by speaking the word of God over their lives!And as they changed their ways by speaking the word of God over their lives, they were healed and their lives were changed for good. Our prayer is that which declares
good health and good wealth over our lives (3 John).

There is power in prayers of believers and that is why We are joining our powers to pray for you so that your well being and your health go well with you. Just remember that you still have that power of changing your life from today by speaking the word of God over your life.

in 2 Kings 20,we read that King Hezekiah was ill,close to death!The prophet Isaiah warned Hezekiah to put his house in order and to be ready for death!The prophet Isaiah emphasized that " Hezekiah will not recover"! It seems that Isaiah knew the whole plan of God over Hezekiah life! Not really , he didn't know it at all! Guess what? Hezekiah refused the word that would Kill him and CHOSE to declare the Healing word over his life! In other words " He trusted God more than God's messenger by changing his REAL life" . He turned to GOD and spoke the powerful word " Prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer".

Hezekiah was going to die if He didn't change his ways.Our God is a God who can forgive and heal us if we truly seek and return to him in reverence and prayer.I believe that Isaiah discovered that none knows how God works. He was re-sent to Hezekiah to announce the good news of Healing and not of death. And the LORD added 15 years unto Hezekiah' life (2 Kings 20:1>

You can do the same thing today and you can still enjoying your life to the full, don't waste your time and remember that "TIME is a valuable thing", use it carefully because you will be asked how you did spend it on this earth!

Copyright© 2010 Faustin .M. Ndikumana aka Kriss Kruzz