Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The "GO" Healing

2 Kings 5:1-27

by Faustin .M. Ndikumana,
29 September 2010

I. Introduction

we hear the Word GO in our everyday life! Whether in Business, Academia, Military...the word GO is used as an authoritative word! GO is a rich word with a massive meaning. However, I prefer its definition from Chambers English Dictionary defining it as "To take a Direction".

2Kings 5:1-27 (NIV) the word "GO" is used four times, but its fifth time which I consider to be the first time, is not clearly seen by many! Some Bible scholars argue that the word GO is used 1492 times in King James Version, but I strongly admit that the word "GO" can go beyond that number. As a rich word, the word "Go", is one of the few words that is mentioned many times in the Bible, after the name "GOD" and "LORD" which are mentioned more than 4500 times in the Bible.

Most of us would love to have a new direction in life. A direction that leads to hope, love, forgiveness, success and above all; many of us would love to find, receive a new direction that leads to
healing which is our main topic in this paper! Why then focus on 2 Kings 5:1-27? Well, I consider the story behind 2 kings 5:1-27 as an important story on healing subject.

1st. It is a story that takes us back in history about a God who has been in the business of healing for decades!
2nd. It is a story about a God who cares for everyone and every nation!
3rd. It is a story about a God, who is the King of Kings, the highest commander in charge of destinies of all nations.

The story in
2 Kings 5:1-27 it is an amazing work of God who doesn't look on someone's failings, order to heal or bless them; rather than a God who just care whether one Trust and Obey him. It is a story of faith.

II. The man behind 2 Kings 5:1-27

From 2Kings 5:1, we read about a man who was not just a kilo of dust!

(a). His name was Naaman: Looking at the meaning of the name ”Naaman” from web, The boy's name Naaman is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "be pleasant". We all need to have pleasant people around us; none would like to have an unpleasant child, unpleasant friend or an unpleasant partner! We all need to have some pleasing manners or behaviors in order to win favor with people and God himself!

(b). Naaman's origins are not clearly exposed in the Bible, but he belonged to the Kingdom of Aram and served the King of Aram as his army Commander. As his name puts it, Naaman seemed to have some Hebrew backgrounds.

(c). He was a great and a highly regarded man in the sight of his master.

(d).He was a valiant soldier, someone who was marked by bravery or courage

(e). He was a man, through whom the Lord had given victory to Aram. And finally,

(f). He was a man with a disease of Leprosy.

III. The "Go" Healing explored in Big 5 (2Kings 5 :2-27)

As we are going to find it together, God commenced his amazing work of healing before he created everything that exist, including a man whom he created in his image. He had a plan, a vision for us and, he knew who, how, when,where and what of his creation master plan; including his Mega plan of healing his people.

1st GO: The "go" Healing as a big Deal (2 Kings 5:1-3)

God who cares for everyone, is a God who continues to do great and amazing works among us. “He sends us into distant lands to proclaim the message of
Cross and heal the sick.”
¹ He sends us in a way we don't even understand, the way that sometimes seem unclear and scary to us! We see this already in the book of 2Kings 5:2-3 where a young Israelite girl was taken captive by some Bands from the Kingdom of Aram as they were fighting the nation upon God’s heart “Isreal”.

From Verses 2 and 3 of 2Kings 5, we get a revelation of a God who works in a strategic way. Sometimes he does not clearly say “Go”; rather than sending us in unclear strategy! We see this taking place in 2 Kings5:2,where God chose to use a young girl who was taken captive, as a messenger of his saving grace that would go beyond Israel and reach ungodly nations and ungodly people! Most of us would love to wait and hear the voice of God or someone speaking to us “GO”, but we don’t realize how often God sends us without a “Go” speech or a clear direction as he did for this Israelite young girl who was taken as a “GO” captive!This is what I call a BIG DEAL.

Some may ask questions why a BIG DEAL? First of all, it is a big deal because it was conducted by a Big God to someone who considered himself as a big shot, a valiant Soldier; but who had no power and no remedy for his leprosy disease and his salvation. His situation only needed a divine God who had to run a divine strategy in a big manner. This reminds us that no matter whom we are, what we have, or where we are placed in this world, we still need the Big God to help us and carry us through this LIFE.

Secondly, it is a big deal because where the Spirit of God is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). “The word of God reminds us that the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit are said to dwell in us.”² As believers, we have to carry the Spirit of God wherever we are going and in whatever we are doing. Having the Spirit of Christ in us is to be like him, to bring healing and salvation to others. This kind of attitude is expressed in the book of 2kings 5: 2 where a young captive girl showed what she had inside her inner Spirit. There was the Spirit of God in her and she made it clear by speaking out how awesome God is, how God is ready to do great things for us if we step in faith as his messengers!. This is what we are called to do if we truly believe that we have the Spirit of God in us. It is therefore a big deal which requires us to always walk with a big God who will take us there!

2nd GO: The “go” Healing as a commission that requires faith and that cost nothing (2 kings 5:4-9)

(a).The “go” healing as great commission

As born again Christians, we have heard about the great commission that Jesus gave to his disciples. Christ did send out 12 apostles so that they would also release other leaders to the great calling of winning souls across the universe. “We all are called to do the same as we have believed in the one who save, Jesus Christ. Others in the Old Testament did the same thing, because they had faith in God almighty who created and who continues his amazing work through his only Son, so that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”¹

In order for us to reach the unreached, we need to have courage as good witnesses. As we mentioned already, the young Israelite girl had some courage to witness the Living God to ungodly people. She spoke about a God who can heal using a prophet and, who can save a nation according to his master plan! And as she did, it was done in God’s name. She did exactly what you and I would have done at that time, maybe with some prayers, worship and praises! And as she did, another disciple was born. We see this in 2Kings 5:4 about Naaman who couldn’t keep it as a secret as it wasn’t a secret anymore! Naaman became a messenger of God to his earthly King who was astonished by a God who can save and Heal! The “Go” Healing is a great commission to all of us who have heard the message of Cross and who believe in the one who saves “Jesus Christ”.

(b).The “go” healing requires Faith

We read that “ is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to God must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”² Naaman could not become a messenger of Good news to his King if he did not have faith. We see this already taking place from the time Naaman heard the Good News! He had no time to lose as he immediately took the good news to his earthly king who told Naaman to “GO” (2Kings5:5) and receive healing.

By making it more earthly, the King of Aram wrote some letter to the King of Israel and gave it to his Commander Naaman as a thing that would impress the King of Israel! And even to make it more worse, the King of Israel was disgusted by such behavior because is only God who can heal. God is not looking for letters to do what he already has to do, He is only looking for people with a big heart and full of faith.

The story above, challenges us about a kind of faith we are supposed to have. During Jesus’ ministry on earth, we hear about a Roman Commander who also had some kind of power amongst his people. “He would say to his soldiers “Go” and they will go and do, because they had some kind of trust in him; but when the Centurion had heard about a God who was doing great things through Jesus Christ, he did put his faith in the one who can save and heal the Sick ‘Jesus Christ’ .And as the Roman Commander kept on TRUSTING Jesus Christ, his faith worked out miracles and, the Lord Jesus was surprised by a such kind of faith in Israel, and immediately, Jesus’ had compassion on him and He healed his servant.”³

(c).The “go” healing that cost nothing

It is always interesting to see how people behave in different ways! But, when it comes to God doing great things in our lives, this is another story! The Bible does not explore whether Naaman and the King of Aram were some kind of good cheerful givers. The word of God always reminds us and teaches us what a real and true church should look like! A church that is generous, a church that looks after the widow, orphans and the poor, and most of all; a church that doesn’t rob God in Tithe, offering ….

God’s desire is to have people with a compassion heart. God does not charge any price to the ones who receive his healing grace because that is the nature of God. He does not really need some bribe so that we may receive his salvation or his healing! The deposit has already been paid before the creation was even created. 1Kings teaches us that the King of Aram was known for his terror, as an intimidator who wished to have all Israel’s riches and best wives belonging to himself and to his Kingdom! It is really disgusting how he became the cheerful giver, only when he had heard that there is a God in Israel who could heal his commander’s leprosy!

This Go healing is free of charge. It is a Go healing through which one had to die on Cross in order for all bad people to become good ones! We are always reminded to give because this is what real believers should do! But we are not allowed to bribe God in order to receive his mercy and grace. “The deposit has been paid as one had to die on the Cross for our infirmities…and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53).

3rd GO: The “go” healing requires humility (Vs 10-17)

As mentioned already, Naaman had some kind of faith that helped him to have his leprosy disease washed away. Sadly, his mustard seed faith was not enough as he lacked some humility. He kept thinking that being a commander, a valiant soldier and a man who have won some battle and, having such kind of biography would impress YAHWEH. God was looking at his heart Biography that required him to have some kind of faith and humility. He was a proud man who wanted to receive what he wanted God to do for him (2Kings 5:11). The good thing is that God is always a God who cares for the man he created. He is therefore willing to do good for those who humble themselves because “his thoughts are not our thoughts, neither his ways not our ways" declares the LORD.”¹

Naaman was always a lucky man who had people around him. His servants were amazing encouragers as they kept encouraging him not to give up his faith rather than keep moving forward. As believers, we all need such kind of people who can encourage us to move forward when we feel giving up our faith.As a result, Naaman listened to his servants and “humbled himself so that he may be exalted.”² It didn’t take long to have himself cleansed after doing what the prophet told him to do which was to “Go”(2kings5:10) and wash himself 7 times in the Jordan River.

Naaman’s ability to humble himself enabled him to know God in another level! Naaman discovers that a God who healed him is a God who doesn’t require a price in return, rather than a God who only requires a humble heart that longs to worship and serve him. This level of knowing God is quite an important move for everyone who encounters God for a first time. As Christians, we are called to worship God and by doing so; we are blessed in way we wouldn’t ever imagine.

4th GO: The “go” healing is all about God’s saving grace (2 Kings 5:19)

As we keep reminding ourselves, God’s business of saving the world is that which he already had in his mind before he created us (Ephesians 1:11). God’s saving grace, it also gives us some benefits such as healing, prosperity and peace…. These promises are outlined in the gospel of Mark for all those who are serving God in any capacity that “No one has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundreds times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields-and with them persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life. But many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first.”¹

We see Naaman having some great benefits from this “Go” healing. As Naaman was healed, he was blessed by a man of God to “Go” in peace (2 Kings 5:19). Very interesting is that he was given all his material things back to him as he was willingly to give them away…... As Christians, we are also reminded that our God of Peace is always with us, looking after us in our trials, persecution ….as we are serving him. He knows for sure what kind of promises he has promised us and, he really cares for us and his Grace is always available even in many ways that we don’t understand.

We are called to be patient, to persevere and always keep our heads held high with a Hope ,that one day we will be rewarded with great riches. It is also very important to underline that “even if we don’t get what we want to have on this earth, there are the best and glorious riches that await us when Christ shall return in his Glory.”² We are blessed

5th GO: The “go” healing must be Real (2Kings 5:20-27)

Being real is to have a sincere heart that longs to serve and worship God in Spirit and truth. Real people don’t really allow material things control them rather than having control over material things! Elisha’s servant lacked this kind of attitude by becoming unreal in handling earthly things (2Kings5:20-25). As Christians we are called to be real in real situations.

It is true that we might be going through crises such as the so-called Recession, loss of families and friends and even persecution…., but we have to remain real in such circumstance situations and let God be in control. The word of God promises us great riches in the present age and in the age to come! But we must not do what is not in agreement with God’s word!! Therefore our calling is “to seek the Kingdom of God first and not to worry by asking ourselves questions such as what shall we eat, drink or what will we wear for clothing; for our heavenly Father knows that we need all these things.”¹

To see healing taking place in our lives, we must be real people who always agree with God’s word in every single circumstance situation. Gehazi failed to be real and he became unreal by disagreeing with God’s word! We see this already in his words responding to Elisha by saying “your servant didn’t GO anywhere” (2Kings5:25)! Well, on my view, if Gehazi was truly a real guy, he would have told Elisha “Yes, your servant did run after Naaman because he wanted that stuff and that silver very bad! and please forgive your servant”! I really challenge Gehazi’ statements as a real guy! However, "God is always waiting for us to draw near to him,so that he may draw near to us.He asks us to cleanse our hands, us who are sinners; and purify our hearts, us who are double minded.”²

As real people, we must accept our failings and let God deal with them. We are therefore challenged to change our ways, asking God to forgive us. God is not a God who wants us to suffer because we are failures, sinners…He is not that kind of a God! Rather, our God is a God who is always looking after us, waiting for us to return so that he can receive us "We are his KIDS". “our God is faithful and righteous who is always available to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness as we confess our sins.”³

A testimony: Being real me in tough and troubles times has not always been like Cream and Honey! Rather, I have been challenged to accept my failings by forgiving those who abused me, by loving my enemies and above all by submitting to God who is my only heavenly father. Having done so, I have confessed my short comings, my sins ! I am healed, forgiven with a clear vision that longs to serve my God in a way I never experienced before. Therefore, I am a grown up real man, who no longer talks like a child, who don’t think like a child and who don’t even reason like a child. I have a bright future filled with Hope and Joy which also can be yours if you only receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior from today. We are blessed, Amen.


A. the go healing as a big deal

1. Matthew 10:5-8

2. Romans 8:9

B. The “Go “Healing as a commission that requires faith and that cost nothing

1. John 3:16

2. Hebrews 11:6

3. Luke 7:1-9

C. The “go” healing requires humility

1. Isaiah 55:8

2. Luke 14:11

D. The “go” healing is all about God’s saving grace

1. Mark10:29-31

2. Ephesians 1:17-19

E. The “go” healing must be Real

1. Matthew 6:25-34

2. James 4:8

3. 1st John 1:9

Copyright© 2010 Faustin .M. Ndikumana

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